UTHealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Center
HCPC Mission, Vision & Values

Harris County Psychiatric Center is dedicated to excellence and leadership in the provision of patient care and the growing need for treatment of persons with mental illness residing in Harris County.
HCPC has the unique additional missions of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, which includes conducting research into the treatment of mental illness, educating professionals in the care of the mentally ill and providing the resources and knowledge of our staff to the local community.
Harris County Psychiatric Center will be a premier psychiatric provider in the delivery of treatment, education, and research. Our faculty and staff will promote clinical excellence.
“We Care”
- Working as a team to provide quality care in a safe environment
- Excellence in the service of care
- Culturally competent staff
- Accountability in our commitment to excellence
- Respect and compassion
- Ethical and fair treatment for all